
Posts Tagged ‘mac’

Mac Build 017

2010/12/30 Comments off

Here is the first proper Mac build of TRS, based on 017 sources, it’s got the exact same functionality and data.

Everything is now bundled inside the App folder, as is expected on a Mac application. It’s still built for 64 bits Snow Leopard, as I don’t have access to any other kind of Mac.

Good news is, future builds should be a breeze now I’ve got everything setup inside one source tree.

So Mac users, please report any issues with this build!

Categories: Project news Tags: , ,

MacTRS Build 015 preview

2010/09/30 4 comments

Here is the first preview build for the Mac version of TRS :

This is really a ‘preview’ build, it means it isn’t polished at all, it’s not very Mac-ish – I’ve only setup icons, not using the app bundle to hide data, etc – and it isn’t really tested. Some debug stuff is active, and untested features of version 015 are included (saving/reloading for instance).

So… sorry for any crashes and other weirdness you might encounter, it’s meant to provide early access to the Mac build, before I’ve fixed the nasty bug that prevents me from doing a proper new build.

EDIT: this build includes the following changes from version 015:

– Patched crash when selecting Adventurers’ Guild with too many adventurers
– Enabled saving/reloading game (experimental, might lead to unstable/wrong states)
– Lots of internal cleanup, will enable quicker modifications

Categories: Project news Tags: , ,

TRS is live on Mac!

2010/09/28 Comments off

As my current job involves working on a Mac, I’ve decided a couple of weeks ago to try to port TRS on the Mac, as I’m using only portable libraries, should be easy…

Well, now it’s done! I’ve got it running on my work’s MacBook with the same data as the Windows build. So currently, I have a version for MacOS X Snow Leopard 64 bits, some more work will be required before making a Universal Binary. I’ll do it quickly on request, else it will be later.

I will package a preview build soon, with this quickly hacked together version, then I’ll clean the project up (including true portability, with only one set of source files).

Categories: Project news Tags: , , ,